Thursday, August 19, 2010

Tranquil Thurdays - Goodbye, Sweet Diver

There is a sacredness in tears.
They are not the mark of weakness, but of power.
They speak more eloquently than ten thousand tongues.
 They are messengers of overwhelming grief...and unspeakable love.
~Washington Irving

Wynship's Native Diver
April 16, 2007 - August 15, 2010

We love you, goofy boy, and will miss your endless supply of hugger-duggers



  1. So sorry to hear about your loss. What a beautiful dog!

  2. Dear Denise and John,

    There really are no words...I am so sorry for your loss. I loved Diver and was so saddened to hear this news. Take your time and thoroughly grieve, but know Diver would want you to be happy again soon. Godspeed with your hearts. I shed tears with you.

    Love always,


  3. I cannot believe this news. That brought tears to my eyes sitting here at my desk. We are very, very sorry

  4. Dear Denise,

    I was so shocked to receive JoAnn's phone call about Diver. It must be so difficult not to know what happened - such a tragedy. Know that you gave him a wonderful life with Dooley as a big brother.
    Diver was an amazing Newf and I will always remember him as a puppy with his paw in the water bowl sound asleep. We knew his passion right then and there! Our hearts go out to you and John...

    In sympathy,
    Mary & Jon

  5. I am shocked and deeply saddened by the news of your unexpected loss. My heart goes out to you, John and Dooley.

  6. I am so very sorry. I know of no words that can ease the hurt. And having this happen so suddenly can only magnify the sense of loss. I know the gaping hole you feel in your heart. We love you. Our hearts, prayers, and deepest meditations are with you.

  7. We are so sorry, we know Diver was your baby and our love goes out to you and John. We love you and hope to see you in Coronado soon. With all our love and sympathy, Kai, Hill, Olivia and Max.

  8. Very sorry for your loss.

  9. This is heartbreaking news and tears are flowing as I write this. I cannot fathom the shock and sadness that you are living with right now, and wish I could be there to cry and scream and support you.

    He was an amazing, gentle lover-boy and my life is eternally brighter...thanks to his endless supply of belly-up-slobber-hugs.

    Sending all my love and hugs.

  10. So so sorry to hear. We know what it's like! Just think of Diver playing happily with Dickens, Jake and Ashley in a wonderful place.
    Mary & Geoff

  11. Denise and John,

    We here, in our dog loving household, are so very sorry to hear of your great loss.

    The Ledesma Family

  12. Denise, John and Dooley, Once I asked Linda B. why we keep doing this to ourselves, knowing that every puppy we give our hearts to will someday break them. She said, "Because they're worth it." I've never come across a more comforting sentiment to share with anyone or to hold onto myself at times like these. Much love, Sandra

  13. Denise, John and Dooley,

    For some moments in life there are no words. I am just so sorry for your loss. Diver is beautiful and will remain in our hearts forever.
    May looking back in memory help comfort you tomorrow.

    With loving thoughts,

  14. Dear Denise and John...We were so saddened and shocked to learn of the sudden passing of Panda's brother, Diver. What a handsome boy he was!! He and Panda certainly have a strong resemblance, and we know from the pictures of him that you forwarded that he was an amazing Newfie. We have lost wonderful K-9 family members over the years, and we know what a void is left after their passing. Thank you for sharing pictures and stories about Diver with us over the past three years. He was a special boy!! Bob, Linda, Panda and Clemmie Rigg

  15. "He is my other eyes that can see above the clouds; my other ears that hear above the winds. He is the part of me that can reach out into the sea. He has told me a thousand times over that I am his reason for being; by the way he rests against my leg; by the way he thumps his tail at my smallest smile; by the way he shows his hurt when I leave without taking him. (I think it makes him sick with worry when he is not along to care for me.) When I am wrong, he is delighted to forgive. When I am angry, he clowns to make me smile. When I am happy, he is joy unbounded. When I am a fool, he ignores it. When I succeed, he brags. Without him, I am only another man. With him, I am all-powerful. He is loyalty itself. He has taught me the meaning of devotion. With him, I know a secret comfort and a private peace. He has brought me understanding where before I was ignorant. His head on my knee can heal my human hurts. His presence by my side is protection against my fears of dark and unknown things. He has promised to wait for me... whenever... wherever - in case I need him. And I expect I will - as I always have. He is just my dog." — Gene Hill

  16. You know how terrible we feel about your loss. I am so sorry this happened and know that no words can express our sympathy. This post is a lovely tribute and Diver was just a beautiful dog. We are thinking about you and share in your sorrow.

    Gwen & Roger

  17. I am SO SORRY!!! He was way too young.. Another candle needing to be lit, but lots of friends at Rainbow Bridge..

    Hugs from Maine..
    mudji and crew..

  18. Ouch. We've never met, but I feel a sharp twist in my heart for your loss. Take care.

  19. The pain we feel in loss is directly proportional to the love we received in life. I know that you both received much love from Diver. Hugs to you and John. To Dooley, who lost his buddy, hugs as well.

  20. Denise, thank you for sharing this post with our readers. Your dogs are members of our community as well and Diver will be missed. Our heart goes out to you and John.

  21. I'm very sorry for your loss, Denise & John. During our walks, my husband and I enjoyed seeing your Newfs. Diver was a special dog and we'll miss seeing him around town with you and Dooley.

  22. Oh, man :-( I'm sure this is one of the "Starbucks dogs" as my kids refer to them. I am so sorry for your loss. Beautiful dog.

    Not the least hard thing to bear when
    they go from us, these quiet friends,
    is that they carry away with them so
    many years of our lives. Yet, if they
    find warmth therein, who would
    begrudge them those years that they
    have so guarded?
    And whatever they take,
    be sure they have deserved."-John Galsworthy

  23. Denise & John, So sorry to hear about Diver and i'm sure he'll be in your hearts forever. We'll miss seeing him around town, but our memories of him will last a lifetime.

  24. Oh my goodness. I noticed when I was replying to your comment on my post that my friend, Deanna, had commented on your post. Since I enjoy reading your posts anyway, I went to check it out and was shocked to learn of your great loss! I am not sure I've seen Diver in person but have definitely enjoyed him via your website. I know your heartache must be great. From one dog lover to another, please know my heart grieves for you and I will take a moment to send a prayer of comfort up for you right now!

  25. IslandgirlAugust 21, 2010

    I'm so sorry for your loss. I've seen your beautiful dogs around Coronado and he will be missed.

  26. With sympathy...

  27. Merlin & TikiAugust 22, 2010

    Sorry to hear about Diver, he was a beautiful newf.

  28. Joe and JoAnn, Wynship NewfoundlandsAugust 22, 2010

    May it comfort you to know that death cannot diminish the important ways your loved one touched your life, that grief cannot take away the happiness you shared, that sorrow will fade in time...but love remains forever.

    "His life was too short but, thanks to you both, it was filled with love and adventure. Thank you for making his life so wonderful. He is very missed."

  29. Crown Veterinary HospitalAugust 22, 2010

    Friends enter and leave our lives, but the impressions they make on our hearts stay with us forever. Our sympathy is with you in your loss.

  30. Dear Denise and John,

    I am so sorry for the loss of Diver. Brandon wanted me to express his heartfelt sorrow too. Please let me know if I can do anything at all to help or comfort you during this difficult time. All our love,

    Mary, Brandon and Riley

  31. Denise and John,

    So sorry to hear about the loss of your sweet little boy. It must be a big blow to have him taken so suddenly. Though you did not get to hold him at the end, it is heartening to know that you are holding him now, as are the many others who hold Diver and your family as you mourn his parting. Thank you for sharing your post and allowing all of us to get a glimpse of his immense love.

    See you next Sunday with big hugs,
    Nina, Alec and Sonoma

  32. Doug and I share your grief, as we have just lost our wonderful dog of 11 years, Princess. It is so painful, but take comfort in knowing you gave him a caring, loving home. They will meet us all on Rainbow Bridge.

    With our deepest sympathy,

  33. Sorry to hear about Diver. Even if we can't see it or understand it now, his timing was perfect. One day after our passing, we'll understand it if it hasn't become clear to us yet.

    Holding you both in a place of light and love,

  34. Jim and MelindaAugust 23, 2010

    In deepest sympathy...Sending you gentle love in this time of great loss.

    Denise & John,

    I am at a loss for words to comfort you, but I truly know how difficult it is. We are so sad!

  35. Sorry to hear about Diver, Godspeed Diver.

  36. Oh my goodness. So very sorry for the loss of your best friend. May the memories of prodigious and goofy drools bring you comfort in your loss. So sorry...

  37. So sorry... Hugs to all from here!

  38. I was so sorry to hear about Diver. It has taken me a couple of weeks to email you, but you have often been in my thoughts and honestly I just didn't know what to say. Such a beautiful and gentle dog, such a terrible loss. You must miss Diver terribly and I wonder too how Dooley and John are doing.

    Please take care. I am heartened to know that John and Carolyn are there for you. And on a very small rock in the Pacific, your Aunt Gwen is also there for you.

    Love, Gwen

  39. One star in the night sky
    Shining for the one
    who will always be in your heart

    In memory of Diver, with deepest sympathy, and thinking of you.

    Linda and Steve


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